“Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth…For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building” (1 Corinthians 3:7, 9).
We are excited to begin the work of planting Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). We have been praying for this work for so many years and we praise the Lord that he is now establishing it. We are starting as a Bible study in September 2019, Lord willing. We have a few families that will form the core group of our study. We are praying for more to be added.
We also have three pastoral interns that will be joining us. We desire to invest in these young men and prepare them for pastoral ministry in the coming years. One of CPC’s major goals is to see more confessional churches planted across Malawi. We trust that the Lord will use these interns to help us accomplish our goal.
Looking ahead the following are major events coming up:
- June 2019: Our church planter, Rev. Confex Makhalira, and his family attend a church-planting training in Europe.
- July 2019: Our church planter and his family arrive in Malawi.
- September 2019: Our interns begin their pastoral internship.
- September 2019: We begin to meet and study the book of Ephesians in the home of our church planter.
So may we ask you to pray for us. Also let your friends and others know that CPC is starting soon. If you would like join or attend our Bible study do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form below.
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